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Michael Socks

Ps3 Eye Camera Driver Windows 8

How to Install PS3 Eye Camera Driver on Windows 8

If you have a PS3 Eye camera and want to use it on your Windows 8 computer, you might be wondering how to install the driver for it. There are two main options: using a closed-source driver from Code Laboratories or using an open-source driver from GitHub. In this article, we will compare these two options and show you how to install them.

Ps3 Eye Camera Driver Windows 8

Option 1: Code Laboratories Driver

The Code Laboratories driver is a commercial product that costs $2.99 per camera. It provides a custom DirectShow source filter that allows you to use the PS3 Eye camera with any application that supports DirectShow cameras. It also comes with a test application that lets you adjust the camera settings and preview the video.

To install the Code Laboratories driver, you need to:

  • Download the driver from

  • Run the installer and follow the instructions.

  • Plug in your PS3 Eye camera and wait for Windows to recognize it.

  • Launch the CL-Eye Test application and verify that the camera is working.

The advantages of using the Code Laboratories driver are:

  • It is easy to install and use.

  • It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

  • It has a graphical user interface for adjusting the camera settings.

The disadvantages of using the Code Laboratories driver are:

  • It is not free and requires a license per camera.

  • It is buggy, slow, unmaintained and broken with every other Windows 10 update[^1^].

  • It does not support Windows Media Foundation, which is the newer API for multimedia applications on Windows.

Option 2: GitHub Driver

The GitHub driver is an open-source project that is based on a port of the PS3 Eye Linux driver to Windows. It uses the generic WinUSB driver to communicate with the camera in user space instead of kernel space. This means that any flaws in the driver will only affect the program that's using the camera instead of crashing the entire operating system. It also provides a DirectShow source filter that allows you to use the PS3 Eye camera with any application that supports DirectShow cameras.

To install the GitHub driver, you need to:

  • Download the driver from

  • Extract the zip file and run the PS3EyeInstaller.exe file.

  • Open the Windows Device Manager and uninstall any existing closed-source driver for the PS3 Eye camera.

  • Install the libusb inf wizard from

  • The open driver should now become available in opentrack[^1^], which is a head tracking software that supports the PS3 Eye camera.

The advantages of using the GitHub driver are:

  • It is free and open-source.

  • It is stable and compatible with Windows 10 updates[^1^].

  • It runs in user space instead of kernel space, which makes it safer and easier to debug.

The disadvantages of using the GitHub driver are:

  • It is more difficult to install and requires some technical skills.

  • It does not support Windows Media Foundation, which is the newer API for multimedia applications on Windows.

  • It does not have a graphical user interface for adjusting the camera settings.


In conclusion, if you want to use your PS3 Eye camera on Windows 8, you have two main options: using a closed-source driver from Code e0e6b7cb5c


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