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How to Download SAS Portable 64 Bit for Free

How to Download SAS Portable 64 Bit for Free

SAS is a commercial software for statistical analysis and data visualization. It is widely used by researchers, businesses, and governments to make sense of large and complex data sets. However, SAS can be expensive and requires installation on a compatible operating system. If you are looking for a way to use SAS without paying or installing anything, you might be interested in SAS Portable 64 Bit.


SAS Portable 64 Bit is a version of SAS that can run on any Windows XP computer without installation. It is stored on a removable device such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. You can plug it into any computer and run SAS directly from the device. This way, you can access SAS anytime and anywhere without worrying about licenses or compatibility issues.

However, SAS Portable 64 Bit is not an official product of SAS Institute. It is a modified version of SAS 9.1.3 that was created by an unknown source. Therefore, it may not have all the features and functions of the latest SAS version. It may also have some bugs or errors that could affect your results. Moreover, using SAS Portable 64 Bit may violate the terms and conditions of SAS Institute. Therefore, you should use it at your own risk and discretion.

If you still want to download SAS Portable 64 Bit for free, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to this link[^2^] and wait for five seconds until you see a "Skip Ad" button at the top right corner. Click on it to proceed to the download page.

  • On the download page, click on the green "Download" button and wait for the file to be downloaded. The file size is about 500 MB.

  • Extract the file using a program such as WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will get a folder named "SAS Portable" that contains all the files needed to run SAS.

  • Copy the folder to a removable device such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. Make sure you have enough space on the device.

  • Plug the device into any Windows XP computer and open the folder. Double-click on the file named "SAS.exe" to launch SAS.

  • Enjoy using SAS Portable 64 Bit for free!

Note: You may need to change some settings in SAS Portable 64 Bit to suit your preferences and needs. For example, you may need to change the language, the font size, or the output format. You can do this by clicking on the "Tools" menu and selecting "Options".

I hope this article was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.Now that you have downloaded and launched SAS Portable 64 Bit, you might be wondering how to use it. In this section, I will give you a brief overview of the main features and functions of SAS. If you want to learn more, you can refer to the official SAS documentation or look for online tutorials and courses.

SAS has two main components: the SAS windowing environment and the SAS programming language. The SAS windowing environment is a graphical user interface that allows you to interact with SAS using menus, icons, and dialog boxes. The SAS programming language is a powerful and flexible language that allows you to manipulate data and perform statistical analysis using commands and statements.

The SAS windowing environment consists of several windows that serve different purposes. The most important ones are:

  • The Explorer window: This window shows the libraries and files that are available in your SAS session. A library is a collection of data sets or other files that are stored in a specific location. A data set is a file that contains data in a tabular format. You can use the Explorer window to browse, create, delete, or rename libraries and data sets.

  • The Editor window: This window is where you write and edit SAS programs. A SAS program is a sequence of SAS statements that perform a specific task. You can use the Editor window to type, edit, save, or run SAS programs.

  • The Log window: This window displays messages from SAS about the execution of your SAS programs. It shows errors, warnings, notes, and other information that can help you debug and improve your programs.

  • The Output window: This window displays the results of your SAS programs. It shows tables, graphs, reports, and other output that are generated by your programs.

  • The Results window: This window shows a tree-like structure of the output that is displayed in the Output window. You can use the Results window to navigate, view, or print different parts of the output.

The SAS programming language consists of several elements that work together to perform data analysis. The most important ones are:

  • Data steps: These are statements that create or modify data sets. They usually begin with a DATA statement and end with a RUN statement. You can use data steps to read data from external sources, manipulate data values, create new variables, subset or merge data sets, and more.

  • Proc steps: These are statements that invoke procedures. Procedures are predefined routines that perform specific tasks such as descriptive statistics, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, data visualization, and more. They usually begin with a PROC statement and end with a RUN or QUIT statement. You can use proc steps to analyze data sets using various methods and techniques.

  • Macro facility: This is a feature that allows you to create and use macros. Macros are reusable pieces of code that can simplify and automate your programming tasks. They usually begin with a %MACRO statement and end with a %MEND statement. You can use macros to define parameters, variables, expressions, or entire programs that can be executed by using macro calls.

Here is an example of a simple SAS program that reads data from a CSV file, calculates the mean and standard deviation of a variable, and creates a histogram of the variable:


/* Read data from CSV file */

data mydata;

infile 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\mydata.csv' dlm=',' firstobs=2;

input id name $ age height weight;


/* Calculate mean and standard deviation of weight */

proc means data=mydata mean std;

var weight;


/* Create histogram of weight */

proc sgplot data=mydata;

histogram weight;



I hope this article gave you a basic understanding of how to use SAS Portable 64 Bit for free. If you want to learn more advanced topics such as data manipulation, statistical modeling, or data visualization using SAS, you can check out some of these resources:

  • SAS Documentation: The official documentation of SAS that covers all aspects of the software.

  • SAS Learning: The official learning portal of SAS that offers free e-learning courses, webinars, videos, tutorials, and more.

  • SAS Communities: The official online forum of SAS where you can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other users.



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